The Love for Hot Chocolate
Everybody loves a hot chocolate and we all have our own ways to perfect it, either on its own, with a shot of baileys, marshmallows sprinkled on top or just whipped cream, whatever way, hot chocolate is always the best.
The best part is decorating it and enjoying the creation!
We all know the fun part of hot chocolate is at the end when you decorate it, and enjoy your creation, true!...
This was a challenge for us at The Chocolate Story, we want more from a hot chocolate, we wanted it to be fun from the beginning, so we took on the task and searched for the ultimate hot chocolate.
Worldwide search for the ultimate hot chocolate and book character.
The mammoth task started by searching other chocolate companies, we found many of them adapted the chocolate cubes on a stick, some bespoke chocolates flakes , but only a couple did something thing different... This search led us to explore for a book character too, we wanted to carry on our concept 'every chocolate tells a story'...... That's when we stubbled upon them both, a book/movie called 'Coraline' by Neil Gaiman, a dark fantasy children's book about a young girl called Coraline and cocoa beetles.
"Coraline and her parents move into an apartment on the second floor of a very old house. Coraline became very bored because her parents didn’t pay her any attention. Coraline decided to explore her new home, and discovered a door that opened onto a brick wall. Her mother explains that when the house was divided into apartments, the doorway was bricked up between their apartment and "the empty flat on the other side of the house, the one that's still for sale.”. However, it's when Coraline opened the door again the brick was gone. Coraline walked into the supposedly empty apartment and that’s when things started to get really strange and frightening"….
In the book Coraline is offered some cocoa beetle,
"of course chocolate never hurts, like one? There cocoa beetles from Zanzibar".
This was just what we was after for our hot chocolate, something unique, fun and eye catching, Beetles chocolate & a character name for the product 'Cocoa Beetles'!

Childhood mémoires.
As the prep work continued we all spoke about our childhood memories and how we spent hours playing with insects, and kept them in jars, (which had holes in the top to keep them alive). This brought back a lot of nostalgia and this was what we wanted for our cocoa beetles, fun and interesting packaging that you want to explore or keep (to see if they grow).
Endless sampling to find our perfect to chocolate.
The last process was perfecting our hot chocolate, this was a task in its self. We spent many hours sampling each one... not that we was complaining, but we needed to sample the different types to ensure we created our perfect hot chocolate.... This is our version of a perfect hot chocolate, it is available in milk chocolate & coconut milk chocolate (suitable for dairy free lovers and vegans) ...... Enjoy :)